The Great Invocation
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The Great Invocation





Let us all unite to recite The Great Invocation everyday, until the 26th of May, which is known as The World Invocation Day or the Festival of Goodwill.

World Invocation Day is a day of prayer and meditation, on the full moon of Gemini, when people of goodwill and the will to do good join together in a universal appeal to divinity and use the Great Invocation.

The Great Invocation is a potent prayer dictated by The Tibetan to Alice Bailey in 1945 to spread it globally. In Pranic Healing, we have the adaptation version developed by Master Choa Kok Sui.

During this exceptionally difficult time for so many people in so many different parts of the world, let us unite together in reciting The Great Invocation aloud, and offer ourselves as instruments of service.

Spiritually, there is oneness, and it is within this spirit of Oneness that we must remember that we are beings of divine light, love and power. Let us use this potent energy to help manifest the Divine Plan on Earth.

Let the suffering of humanity be healed. Let every person, every being be soothed of their pain.

So be it.

So be it.

So be it.
