Live! Wesak Full Moon Meditation
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Live! Wesak Full Moon Meditation

Live! Wesak Full Moon Meditation

Join us for the Wesak Festival Meditation live from the 10th Global Pranic Healing Convention, Philippines on May 11. 2017 at 4:30am GMT+8. We invite you to be part of this momentous occasion to join together with thousands of Pranic Healers worldwide, to bring in the spiritual blessings that can only be accessed during the most powerful full moon meditation of the year.

To fully harness the unique energies generated on this powerful event, please have your written goals, aspirations, projects, Kriyashaktis, crystals and other objects to be blessed readily available in front of you. After the meditation, we will focus all the energies generated by the meditation to supercharge all these objects and projects. We also recommend that you include the names of your love ones and friends that need blessings in their lives.

It’s a rare opportunity for all of us to accelerate our spiritual development and uplift humanity at the same time. We highly recommend you invite as many friends and love ones to join in the meditation so we can all work together as one solid channel to bless our beloved mother earth and all his children.
